Career Services
“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
Achieving Success , One step at a time!
At Taylor Business Institute, we follow the principal that If you can DREAM it, you can ACHIEVE it. But even dreams require support and guidance. At Taylor Business Institute that career support and guidance is an integral part of its professional skills program and its training delivery system from the moment its student enroll. All students participate in employment preparation courses as a part of their capstone experience and are introduced to the Carrier Service department at orientation. The career services staff assist students through their job seeking and job keeping activities that include meetings with employer, resume preparation, interview preparation, port-folio development and participation in job fairs. A formal interview by the Career Services department is a requirement for graduation.
Taylor Business Institute graduates are surveyed throughout their training and post graduation regarding their satisfaction with the college’s career service efforts. As an additional measure of the student satisfaction with its job placement efforts , every placed graduate will have the opportunity to respond by email regarding their job placement to the college’s accrediting body.
Listed below are the statistics illustrating Taylor Business Institute placement percentages for the 2015-2016 year.
- placement rate
- graduation rate
- institutional rates
The office of the Career Service department is located on the fifth floor of Taylor Business Institute. Appointments can be made by phone (312) 658-5100 or email at
For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Dorenda Dixon
Career Services
312 658 5116